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Dear clients and friends,

It’s that time of year when many of us make New Year’s resolutions; for some that may be to get a new puppy, for others it’s being healthier.  So, in our latest newsletter we’ve got top tips on picking the right puppy and meet Jane Vellacot who shares her secrets for kick starting a new you for 2011.

We tease the launch of our annual charity competition ‘Dressed to the K9’s’, look at some common cat behaviours and have another delightful cartoon from Ellen Tozer exclusively for Walk the Dog.  Plus there’s all our usual news, reviews, special appeal too.

Happy New Year and happy reading.

Happy reading!
Hanne & the WTD team xx

Read the Walk the Dog Newsletter New Year 2011 →

If you’ve got a story you’d like us to feature or have any feedback about our newsletters, then please do email us.